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Awards & Press

Since the launch of the Bryant Park Restoration Corporation in 1980, Bryant Park has consistently been credited as an innovator in the realm of public space management. As efforts to improve the park have grown, the corporation continues to receive distinction for work, winning awards and garnering mentions in some of New York’s most prominent media outlets.

Tulips and flowers in the foreground, and the lawn with visitors in the background at Bryant Park in New York City.
Jane Kratochvil

Bryant Park Corporation has received various awards and honors in areas ranging from Design and Landscape Architecture to Neighborhood Development and Social Entrepreneurship. Read More

Media coverage of Bryant Park has included feature articles and highlights in The New York Times, the New York Post, The Boston Globe, New York Magazine, Crain’s, the New York Observer, the Washington Post and many others. Regional coverage has also been extensive on radio, television, and the Internet. Read More